A shortage of straw-based feed increases interest in our Hay Dispenser no. 499
Due to the drought, the harvest has failed for many different crops. This also applies to straw-based feed, which is why a shortage is expected over the course of autumn and winter. Although the animals are still grazing, the price of a mini big bale has already increased by up to 50% or more.
In response to the high prices, we have noted an increased interest in our Hay Dispenser no. 499 for straw-based feed. We therefore decided to visit the lovely “Klosterheden Stables” in Bækmarksbro, Denmark, to hear more about their experiences with the Hay Dispenser.
“Klosterheden Stables” is run by Birgit, who was also responsible for purchasing the first OK Hay Dispensers. Primarily to see whether they would be able to keep the straw-based feed separate from the wood pellets, which they had started using instead of straw, inside the stalls. It went well, and they quickly realised that it was a great idea to have an OK Hay Dispenser regardless of the bedding used.
Birgit explains: “The horses only pull out a bit of feed, but they are not spreading it all over the stall, as they did previously when it was on the floor”.
This means less consumption for the Stables and steady cost savings. It additionally means that you can be certain that the horses receive the kilos of straw-based feed, which they need.
Birgit finishes up by noting that the feed which is saved is not stomped into the muck. As such, less wastage goes to the dunghill.
Today every stall at “Klosterheden Stables” have a Hay Dispenser no. 499 in it, which is filled up every afternoon before the horses are taken inside. There is a base layer of straw, so the horses do not run out of feed during the night, followed by a layer of 4 kilos of wrap and topped with 4 kilos of seed grass feed. As the hay dispensers are filled to the brim, it is important to have a big capacity. According to Birgit, Hay Dispenser no. 499 can easily handle 8-14 kilos of straw-based feed, depending on how hard you compress it.
Click here for more information on Hay Dispenser 499 and link to video on Youtube